SUNDAY FEELS: With Andreina Perez

So I decided to make this a new staple on my blog. Sunday feels with my favorite women, women I admire. Aka, my amazing girlfriends, because they are undoubtedly, my favorite.

I believe that people are not what they do or what type of career they have, or what job, etc. I believe that people are what they feel, they’re thoughts, how they interact with others and themselves, how they approach their lives on a daily basis, how they take care of themselves, how they love themselves… among other things.

I will begin this ritual, with one of my dearest friends, my boo, a girlfriend who’s emotions and unconditionality have captivated my heart and friendship, indefinitely. Also, she loves matcha.

So here you go, get to know her.

11 questions with ANDY.

What provokes excitement in your life?

Finding a purpose, realizing I have a voice and a message to deliver. And also helping and encouraging others to find theirs. 

What are your guilty pleasures ?

Ice cream, sour gummies, and some tv shows or movie that story wise are terrible, but are good on the eyes. 

Something new you discovered about yourself in the past weeks?

I have found myself lost and found multiple times in the past weeks, but once I regain my strength and my creativity comes back at its best and I evolve. I have also realized that I need to work on my discipline and will power, I loose them easily and I’ve been working on it, it’s a good thing to realize and come to peace with because that way you can work on it and improve. 

Favorite food. 

Sushi, ice cream, and pasta. Specially if I share it with people I love. 

One book you can recommend and why. 

Creative Inc by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace. Most of my people know how passionate I am about storytelling and collaboration. I don’t think you can make it “by yourself”, I think it’s all about collaborating and creating a team that believes in each other. This book was written by the president and founder of Disney-Pixar studios, and it talks about how to create a creative environment and most important how to learn from the mistakes you will make and not repeat it. 

How do you treat yourself?

Definitely with some yoga practice, ice cream, matcha dates with friends, watching movies and shows to analyze them and find the lesson in it. 

What is the one thing or activity in your life that is absolutely indispensable to you?

Morning matcha, reading for sure, and I really love yoga, I am working on consistency and making it a daily life style. 

Where do you see yourself in your golden years?

I see myself happily in love, with a family, my main purpose and mission accomplished and surrounded by the people I love today. Having ‘forever’ being a part of my life. 

What awakens your inner feminine energy?

Dancing, even though I don’t do it as often, I sometimes find myself dancing alone in my room and/or while I’m cooking. Sexual pleasure, and mostly being able to be myself around anything or anyone. 

What’s something you admire about yourself? 

My ability to be unconditional to the people I love and also my persistency to get what I want, whether its in the professional or personal area, without the need to harm anyone, but instead to team up with others and accomplish goals together. 

What’s one of the greatest advices ever given to you? 

Live and let others live without taking anything personal.