Taking advantage of this new season to come back

Hi my loves!

Life has been quite a crazy one these past few years. My lack of inspiration has made it difficult to spill love on here. Which is a shame because I really love my blog and connecting with you guys.

It has been quite a rollercoaster these last few years and every day I am blown away by how fast time is flying by. Which is a constant reminder for me to stop and bring my awareness to the present moment.

Practicing gratitude everyday and staying close to my values and beliefs, is really what keeps me grounded.

As we approach this new season of Spring, I could not be more exited! This is my favorite time. I love the sunshine, the flowers blooming, the change of weather and the warm invitation Mother Earth offers us to get outside and enjoy nature! Beach days, hikes, sunny days outdoors…ahhh all the goodness! I sure am happy to say goodbye to winter! Along with this moment of rebirth and renewal, I decided to invest this energy into my blog. Pour light and share with you guys all that I am loving and spiring me!

As I am embark on this blog again, I would love for you, ever so kindly reading this, to leave me a message, an email, whatever is easier for you, on the topics you would like to see on here. What do you want me to write and talk about ? I also have my youtube channel, where I can also share more.

Also, do you prefer English o Español?

Love you guys so much.See you on the next 🙂
