Collections of my quarantine days

Mainly this post will consist of food, baking, wine, flowers, cristiano, coffee and me at home, obviously.

This quiet time has been a total revelation for me. I’ve heard some people say that whoever you got stuck with during this quarantine, is the relationship you needed to work on the most. I got stuck with myself soooo, I found out I really had a lot of baggage to unpack.

I have discovered all sorts of things about myself that I didn’t even realize I liked to do. I also uncovered habits I was doing unconsciously and wow! I definitely do not want to be doing that for the rest of my life. Little things but I wasn’t aware of the impact they were having on my day to day.

I will confess, being completely alone this long, has made me a little insane. Mind you, I am a huge stay home gal and I had cristiano(my dog) with me the whole time, but I seriously missed my friends, my family, the world! Everything. And maintaining a long distance relationship is also very hard to do.

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and staying safe & healthy!

Love you all <3