Let’s talk about CHANGE

I am passionate about change. I’m the type that sticks to the same style, the same makeup, the same morning routines and the same diet. Yet, I am so irregular with my environments. I always need to change something in my house, buy a new piece of clothing, new shoes, change the bedding, new dishes, etc. But I just crave the constant need of a refresh, like a new start.

Anyways, CHANGE IS GOOD. IT’S ALWAYS GOOD. We need change in order to evolve as humans. To elevate our souls we need change. How boring would it be to stay the same or stuck in the same state of mind? Change is the only constant. Change allows us to have the opportunity to reevaluate what we truly want and if we are going in the right direction. I’ve been constantly asking myself this question. And my body is yearning for a massive change right now. I’ve been in Bogota for more than 6 months and it is taking a toll on me. I need a whole other environment. Since we’re talking about change, I want to share with you guys 3 changes I promised myself to make this month of May. (My birthday month, thank you) Any Taurus’ here? Comment below! And now If you feel comfortable, I welcome you to set your mind on 3 new changes that will be beneficial to your life and will ultimately bring you lots of joy!

Change #1: GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. So this is a tough one. I like to stay in my safe zone, I usually always stick to what I know and I don’t like taking risks at times. I always go to the same restaurant, for example. So I have set my mind to taking that risk. I’ve been practicing by making decisions that scare me or that I think I would not be capable of doing.(Never putting my life at risk of course) Let me tell you it is pretty amazing. I’ve been doing it already and it’s life changing, give it a try.

Change #2: WAKING UP AT 5 AM. Yup. Never thought I’d do this but I am. This is truly a magical experience. Since I’m reading the 5 AM Club, obviously I was gonna jump on this wagon.

Change #3: CONNECT MORE WITH MY LOVED ONES. These past days I’ve been on lock down in Colombia and the isolation is hitting me hard. It’s so easy to let a whole day pass you by without talking to my friends and this is so important. Whenever we connect with our friends or family, our mood immediately boosts! I’ve been reminding myself to text my loved ones more often, even if it’s just an I love you , but letting them know I’m thinking of them! I miss being with my friends more than anything. I can’t wait to get to go back to Miami and hug all my girlfriends.

That’s it for now my loves. The subject on change is really a pretty extensive one. Maybe next time i’ll discuss with you guys other aspects of it.

xoxo, Angela

1 thought on “Let’s talk about CHANGE

  1. Loved This one, Reading about change i started To practice yoga but currently i’m craving for another yoga post Focus on motiVation bc its so hard to maintain that, xo!

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