Sunday feels with: Maria Corina Ramirez

Maria Corina Ramirez. Actriz. Productora. Escritora. Yogini. De los seres más espectaculares que la vida me ha puesto en el camino.

She is so many things in ONE.

A few short sentences cannot even being to describe the meaning this young lady has in my life. She is an extraordinary woman, Maria Corina is one of those wise friends you go to for advice and has the power to hold your deepest secrets, she is compassionate and gives you the best advice. Am I right? I love you infinitely Matu.

Get to know her!


•What provokes excitement in your life?

   Creating; dancing; giving someone I love a meaningful gift. 

•What are your guilty pleasures ?

  ice cream y rumbear hasta el punto de poner la manito en la frente y bailar hasta abajo. 😛

•Have you discovered any new likes or dislikes in the past weeks?

Yes. Have rediscovered a passion for the patience and mindfulness that cooking brings; have also rediscovered a deep passion for simplicity; and as far as dislikes… closemindedness, my own and other’s.

•Favorite food?

  Arepitas, platano & mediterranean.  Oh and authentic Italian.

•Name one book that you can recommend and why. 

Loving What Is by Byron Katie. Woof. Really changed my perspective on almost everything, it’s a quick read and it gives you tools you can really put to practice. 

•How do you “treat yourself” ?

Ice cream. 😛 But favorite way to treat myself is travel.  

•What is the one thing and/or activity in your life that is completely indispensable to you?

Yoga. Time with my fam. Time spent indulging in good, soulful art (music, movies, theatre, dance pieces, whatever shape or form of art).

•Where do you see yourself in your golden years?

On a beautiful, calm Caribbean island growing my own veggies, still doing yoga, spending time with the family I have now and the one I have built over the years with hubby and children, grandchildren, creating, giving back, and living simply but abundantly, mindfully and filled with joie de vivre.  

•What awakens your inner feminine energy?

Following my intuition.  

•What’s something you admire about yourself? 

My curiosity to dig deep coupled with being an empath, and my discipline.

•What’s one of the greatest advices ever given to you that you would like to share with me? 

don’t resist life. let both the good and the bad rock you. study it all as an experiment. be curious. don’t take it too seriously. speak your truths about your findings, even if your voice shakes. wake up the next day and to it all over again with a willing, untainted heart.