Wearing the White collar top | Musebox


Hello my loves!

At Musebox we have a new collection with really trendy styles! I am absolutely in love with this collection, I personally think is my favorite thus far!

Let me introduce to you The White Collar Top. With an accentuated collar neckline, this blouse is sure to make a statement with any outfit!

I like to keep my outfits very casual, so here is the look I paired up with this blouse. You can wear this shirt tucked in with a high waisted skirts, to aim for a more feminine look. You can also wear this with high waisted trousers for a more elegant and solemn outfit. What I mainly love about this shirt is that it is so versatile! You can wear it in multiple ways to create a billion different outfits.

For this blog post, I am wearing this shirt with some girlfriend jeans. I also played around with a little hat to give it a chick touch 馃槈


Hola mis amores!聽

En nuestra boutique de Musebox tenemos una colecci贸n nueva con muchas prendas a la moda! Estoy totalmente enamorada de esta colecci贸n. Es mas, es mi favorita hasta ahora!

Les presento la camisa White Collar. Con el escote de collar bien acentuado, esta camisa es perfecta para crear un look 煤nico que llamara mucha la atenci贸n!聽

A mi personalmente me gusta mantener mis vestimentas bien casuales, entonces aqu铆 les muestro el look que use para este post. Tambi茅n pueden usar esta camisa con una falda por la cintura, para crear un look mas femenino. Es una camisa muy vers谩til!聽

Para este聽blog post, estoy usando la camisa con unos jeans bien anchos. Tambi茅n quise agregar un sombrero para darle un toque mas chic 馃槈

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